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Darren Smith

After many disappointing job experiences in different industries, Darren turned to sales and became an independent salesman to gain his first experience. After several years, he chose to move to France, to develop himself with geninc as a coach and entrepreneur.

Disappointed with the reality of the labour market

By obtaining his double master’s degree in business and foreign languages, Darren, who now speaks several languages, hopes to quickly find a comfortable job and create a situation that will allow him to achieve his ambitions.

Unfortunately, he falls from high ground once joining the English job market. No offer matches what he studied at university, and no company wants to give this junior profile a chance.

Disappointed, Darren decides to take on a series of temporary and odd jobs.

I worked in restaurants, in a call center, and even in an car parts factory. I found it degrading not to be employed doing what I learned in college, but I always wanted to prove myself.

Finally, Darren managed to find a stable job in a bank. A new industry for him, in which he doesn’t . He is shocked by the lack of recognition, and the number of years it takes to evolve.

Frustrated, he started looking for a new opportunity, and informed his employer about it while remaining involved in his work. A few months later, his employer took advantage of a redundancy plan to dismiss him, claiming a lack of commitment.

I was so naive back then! I was giving my all to my work, and I didn’t think that by saying I was looking for something else, I would be considered to have already left.

Becoming an independent salesman – a development opportunity.

Disgusted with the job market, and the banking sector, Darren, now unemployed, is looking for a new opportunity. He wants to move into sales: a growing sector in England, which rewards results and encourages growth.

But without any sales experience, he once again comes up against companies that refuse to give him a chance.

He was then offered the opportunity to become an independent salesman, and he was apprehensive about working on a commission and going door-to-door, a job that seemed far from what he had dreamed of in college, but which would lead him to achieve his goal: to run his own company.

I almost had a heart attack when I saw that it was 100% on commission. Then I realized that it had the advantage of not being capped.

Determined to obtain his first sales experience, and seduced by the development opportunities offered by the independent sales activity, Darren then embarked on his new career.

From independent seller to entrepreneur

Driven by his determination to succeed and his competitive spirit, Darren decided to give 100% of himself in the activity of independent salesman. His beginnings are promising and he quickly gains confidence in himself and his ability to sell. He quickly understands that all he needs to do is have a good attitude and follow the sales techniques that his coach has taught him to achieve very good results and exceed his objectives every week.

During his first year of operation, Darren focused on his sales to prove himself. He started roadtripping and became one of the best independent salesmen in England.

When I was working for the bank, I wasn’t rich but I had a good lifestyle. My house and my car to pay for. So in the beginning I focused on my sales, to save as much money as possible.

After that first year as a sales expert, Darren was offered the opportunity to represent a new brand in Sheffield, England. After his move, he starts to take more responsibility. He now coaches other independent vendors, and heads the Sheffield office, which he will occupy for two years.

Opportunity in France

Between 2015 and 2016, many independent sellers and entrepreneurs in England choose to expand their business in France. Darren’s mentor is one of these entrepreneurs, and joined the Geninc network when it was created.

Darren, who wants to leave England, decides to take advantage of this new opportunity. He then moved to Lille, with 3 independent salesmen he coached, and started almost from scratch in this new country.

As the best salesman in England, he faces language barriers and cultural differences on the ground. Without letting himself be defeated, he starts working hard and takes up the fundamentals of sales while learning French.

In 10 months, Darren became perfectly bilingual and once again became one of the top salesmen in the country.

He also began to coach the new French independent sellers, and began to develop his future business. 18 months after his arrival in France, he feels ready to open his own office and become a Geninc franchisee. But he chooses to wait a few more months, and trains himself to manage a business with his mentor while waiting for the right time.

I am a patient and analytical person. At the time, I often changed campaigns, and I needed stability for my first year as a franchisee. I took advantage of this time to develop myself as an entrepreneur.

A year later, Darren finally joined Geninc as a franchisee. He now coaches about thirty independent salesmen at the coworking hub in Lille.

Darren’s goals for the future

Organized and prepared as usual, Darren has designed a 10-year plan to participate in the development of genic in France, and help other independent vendors to develop and become franchisees.

On a more personal level, he wants to start a collection of luxury cars, with the aim of owning 7. One for each day of the week.

He also plans to cross Eurasia by car and then to reach Australia by boat.

Darren’s advice to a future franchisee

  1. Break down your long-term objective – Baby steps – build the road

  2. Surround yourself with the right people and count on them to find a solution (ask questions to progress faster)

  3. Don’t give up, even if all your emotions tell you to. Stay calm and analyze.

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